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Men / Bruno Boni

Bruno Boni Vital Stats:

👍 117
Body Type:  Bodybuilder
Eye Color:  brown eye
Nationality:  Italian
Sexuality:  Gay
Sexual Role:  Aggressive / DOMINANT Top
Age:  1982-01-04
Height:  1.82

It all started back in 2006. I read an ad in a magazine and I attended an audition that was held in Rome. Up until then, I was really shy, I hadn’t even kissed publicly. I saw it both as a challenge and I was curious to see what was going on behind the cameras. So far my favorite scene was “Bad Cop” for Menatplay. There was a great chemistry between myself and my scene partner Denis Vega and this really made the work much easier. Physically, I love the extremes: very hairy or completely smooth, Mediterranean or Nordic, muscular or skinny. I like clean cut sweet guys as well as rough-looking bad boys. Confused? Well maybe, but there are some details that I definitely like . I love good skin, whatever colour it is. I pay a lot of attention to the hands and feet. I always look at the lips and the smile. I'm not particularly attracted to stereotypical classical beauties but I am really turned on by body odour. Don’t be surprised if you see me breathing in someone’s smell .

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Bruno Boni Comments

kenny 03/31/2023
i am also turned on by body smells!