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Movie Comments

Constantine 06/21/2021
First, Trent's legs are so long that fitting for sheer socks. Second, Does anyone agree that Rocky is extremely handsome! Although this scene is not good as Worship or The Stylist Touch, I still looking forward the new film of his who with suit and sheer sox.

Jay 06/26/2021
Really, guys? Come on! You focus the camera on Trent's face all of that time and then as soon as he starts cumming you don't show it? Really? The whole entire point is to see his facial expressions WHILE he's cumming! WHILE HE'S CUMMING!!!

everhard12321 07/02/2021
I love the naturalism of this scene. Trent and Rocky don't seem to be acting at all. This isn't porn sex; this is how people really bang. Thanks!

Arpiefordham 06/25/2022
I agree with everhard12321