Rogan looks very hot in a suit. Wish he had kept it on. "special guest Neil Stevens"? Does that mean the good doctor will be in the next installment?
Rogan and Dani acting was hot! Thanks for this not easy to keep producing high quality scenes every week...but MAP knows how to rock the house! Again, performers should keep shirts on and both will look better wearing tnt or plain long sheer so
Minute 17:11 was the perfect snapshot for Rogan to have long plain sheer socks (maybe gray or blue) and put his feet over sofa and shows more aggressive action with Dani. Please consider that for future a Part 2. I am sure you have some plain
all i can say is finally see bare feet!!
excellent more dani demon please!
This is SO hot. Slow and sensual, then FIREWORKS! Rogan sure knows how to f***! Whew!!!
Rogan can tell me what to do anytime...
Nicely paced piece. White hot sex ! Fun to watch. Let us have more of soft spoken Dani. How about a threesome with "Dr " Stevens, Rogan and Dani?
AWESOME. Rogan is a manimal for sure. NICE thick cock. Dani's body is HOT. LOVE his ass. WOOF!!
Dr Stevens is a classic at MAP. Bring it!
Nice kissing and foreplay between the guys in this - but it's somewhat ironic that Dani, who is endowed with the kind of svelte, fit physique that looks GREAT in a well-cut suit, (briefly) wears just T-shirt & jeans, whereas the somewhat over-pumped Rogan
sorry for redundance due to bad connection!
Again Mr. joedoe, in addition to expressing my thoughts and surely many others, your comment is enriched with accurate details hope they’ll be considered and well executed later. Many thanks.
I totally agree!
The best erotic vids in MAP did not follow a stereotyped pattern. Long shots on venous hands, shiny shoes, greedy eyes, shimmering silk-ties at 3-day-beards spoke a very different, much better and most nastier language. Rogan Richards i
There's barely any point of a suit-sex video if nobody's still wearing any of the suit by the time they're fucking. Not MAP's best work, definitely.
Matt/Nacho: What's up for this Friday? A hot threesone?
I completely agree with ManEater...Rogan is a MAMMAL!! When it comes to sex he's a total animal - a glorious savage beast. But importantly he's a very actor and in gay porn that's pretty impressive. This scene with Dani Demon - I love his passive eagernes
How about a biop on Rogan. WHere is he from & what's his ethnic background? He looks partly negroid, Indian or aboriginal.
OMFG!!!!!!!! wanna be fucked like that controlling me shiiiiit
That was hot (Dani's body - awesome); that was hard (Rogan's fucking); nevertheless the most intensely arousing part for me was the beginning when they started kissing each other - sexual attraction at its best!
BRAVO!The beginning of the sequence is excellent, The very elegant guy, beautiful pink shirt and nice stiped blue tie... The play of the partner to loosen the tie with the mouth is very very good for the end for me it is more commonplace, because they are
Rogan was good at being the master in charge, but Dani was pulling Rogan's strings. Bottoms rule ! ed
Rogan is wearing beautiful time he needs to bottom to show those sheer socked legs without shoes. HE had beautiful strong legs for men's sheer socks.
I want to f--- Rogan myself. I am a TOP, but with the right coaxing I could change my mind
this Dani guy is so fucking for this anus is so pretty
great episode, these guys kissing make me explode!
Amazing! It had me gagging from start to finish!
Terrible wooden acting from Danu kind of ruined the fantasy.
Rogan was hot as usual, but Dani was disappointing - he should have kept his socks on.
Rogan was hot as usual, but Dani was disappointing - he should have kept his socks on.
Movie Comments