Best ever!
All is nasty, horny, messy!
A real x-mas-present!
PS: Special for me - Harley Everett is on board! Welcome, Mr. Everett! Give us pleasure with your sheer masculinity and feel "at home" with suits!
Kyle King is gorgeous in this - please linger more on his beautiful throat when he puts his head back - so erotic!
Hot hot hot great to see a guy get his suit covered in hot spunk
BEST film so far this year! Cum on suits is the hottest!
Tease only please 50% of MAP members into suits, leather and cock sucking. We need TEASE 2 to please the other half that wants suit, pants and shoes off, keeping shirts andOTC semi-sheer socks on all the time and real fuck action (Kyle King in a gang-ban
WTF how can you make THAT MUCH fuss about socks!
Oh boy Christmas came early. I have not even watched this fully yet and it is giving me a hard on - total sleaze, suits on, cum flying over them, the lovely Kyle and dear God in heaven Paddy as well shooting over a guy in suit (bangs head on table in dis
King, Jones,Harris, and Everett were all terrific. The chemistry was great between them. Paddy, although great eye candy, was a total waste of space. Why won't he at least have his dick sucked for MAP. Please don't mention the Glory Hole segment as I stil
So hot it had me in tears! Will never drink champagne, or anything, again in the same way! Wish I was there!!!!
HOT, HOT, HOT ..... we want more!!!
This is a fanatstic Xmas present, all my favourite 2011 MAP Studs in one spunky show, just great!!! Isaac sublimly sexy, I like the hair and beard and that his suit stayed on!! Harley in his suit is fabulous, my kind of muscle man, I could suck him all ni
Matt Jordan12/23/2011
Didn't you see the evidence of Paddy being sucked off on the blog. you cant dispute it!!!
Matt Jordan12/23/2011
Remember MAP is mainly a suit fetish site
Thanks Matt for a fine X-mas gift, only wish Paddy, one of your absolute finest guys could be more displayed. He´s a star, and you´ve put him as an extra. Happy season!
Porn art! great- the best porn film I have ever seen.
Matt...I understand and don't get me wrong, if I join this website is because I love suits...but a suit without the correct accesories is meaningless. Your custome desginers knows about this. Matt, I know you are mature enough to accept criticism and use
12/24/2011 a great song from Pitbull! La gente esta muy loca!
Congratulations MAP!! This is a great one and as some of the other guys mentioned, a great Christmas present too. Issac is so handsome and I like the moustache--nice touch. Sexy Kyle was great as the lap dancer with that perfect body of his. Justin Ha
Suck, pump, shoot ... and a good time was had by all!
Love seeing cum all over a hot suit. Wish I had been in Issac's shoes. Totally hot!
more Kyle King please
I mentioned something about suited bukkake a while ago and had not realised that this is it! I guess I wanted to see Harvey do some fucking but full marks to Isaac, great stuff!
matt i tip my hat to you! this was by far one of your better jaunts! the only thing that would have made this the hotter, nastier film it is would have been for paddy o'brian to fuck the deliciously delectable kyle king in every conceivable position whi
This Christmas movie really turns me on.
Loved the movie, I believe my favorite guy at the moment is Kyle King, He looks like he enjoys what he does and it shows.
I have a question about Paddy O'Brian, every body says he won't do anything but he is on camera getting a blow job last week and thi
Yes, Paddy is sexy and nice to look at, but the fuss about him is unnessecary! There are much better guys at MAP, enjoying sex in every variation and make us happy with showing us everything! MAP has not to beg for Paddy and persuade him with money! For m
Yes, y o u are boring.
Tease is an excellently hot video - and a great Christmas present, Matt; thank you! The guys are great-looking and sensuously horny, the scenario is a turn-on - and whoever thought of having Justin Harris pour champagne down Kyle King's back while he was
If you look hard enough, JoeDoe, perhaps you can find (or create?) a site specialising in OTC semi-sheer socks and stop pestering guys who enjoy a wide range of suit-oriented fetish interests with your telescopically narrow focus . . .
Great video, but OMG, where's the socks???? Are they wearing any, because I can't tell.... In any case, great video BUT, it would've been better with some sock shots!!!
mmm...your fetish is not more about reading other member's comments. Happy New Year...relax and don't take things so seriously!
Joedoe! And now stop it please! Everybody from the MAP-audience has a special fetish beside suits! Matt and Rico try to deserve all our wishes and they try it hard indeed. No undergroup gets served more than you lovers of these unutterable otc-socks! I c
i would like to see paddy sucking cock of any other guy pls. next time!
Very HOT video!! too bad it isn't reality...
Very HOT video!! too bad it isn't reality...
Very HOT video!! too bad it isn't reality...
Very HOT video!! too bad it isn't reality...
A stroke of genius pouring champagne down that natural track to be slurped up right on/in his superb arsehole!
It was a stroke of genius to pour champagne down that natural tract and then to have it slurped up on/at/in that glorious arsehole!
very hot. I am going to try the champagne routine! YOU need just the right back and ass! Loved the hot and heavy sound too! Thanks
I am so in love with Kyle King. He is so good-looking and has a fantastic body
with just the right amount of hair. It helps that he seems to enjoy himself
in whatever situation he is in, both giving and receiving. I would love to have
a session wit
I am so in love with Kyle King. He is so good-looking and has a fantastic body
with just the right amount of hair. It helps that he seems to enjoy himself
in whatever situation he is in, both giving and receiving. I would love to have
a session wit
EXCEPTIONAL!! One of the best I have ever seen.
Great production! It would have been greater to have Paddy mixing with them unstead of just cumming on Isacc - He would not have been missed if he had been left out. I just noticed he got top billing too - unwarranted.
Hey, if Paddy can get that hard and get off "watching" it won't be long until he is fulling ENGAGED! Get off the "old Irish" guilt Paddy....have a little fun.... it won't cast doubt on you bud. On the contrary you'll be much hotter and probably feel a
There are definitely videos out there of Paddy fucking guys, not just watching & wanking -- such as -- can MAP get him to take a more active role in a suit scene? would be much hotter!
OMG they look like they are reallly into it, so intense, love all the moaning..............
I love how hot and sweaty the guys get while in a suit. Do you literally keep the temperature in the studio high just to increase the amount of perspiration?
I love how hot and sweaty the guys get while in a suit. Do you literally keep the temperature in the studio high just to increase the amount of perspiration?
very profesional and erotic
I love diversity....this is fun! Matt keep pleasing everybody...that is MAP strenght against any other website. There is a business term called: halo-effect...thats what MAP is doing for adding other fetishes to the suit one. Each day MAP is dominating mo
Enough of teasing us !!! It's time to see PADDY in real action!... If you want to make your clients happy, give us more of Paddy in action... kissing, oral, anal, etc...Just like the way you know how to do it... "Paddy at play" in "men at play" ;-)... Che
It really turned me on. All the guys were so into it. More videos like this one, please. Would love to see them in a mens restroom scene.
Once again, loved the tie!
Kyle king was waiting for a gang bang! paddy needs to suck or fuck!
uknakedmen convinced paddy to fuck a guy! MAP lost in the bid? just like Harry Louis bottomed for them, too? now Harry is gone, not a chance to see him bottom for MAP! :(
This one is an epic sizzler! Mr. Kyle King, you are i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e!!! Someone please send him an air flight ticket back to Blighty pronto please!
Forgot to say, the direction is superb Mr. Jordan. Definately one of your best, great job!
Great movie, one of the best ever, I think. I do miss group scenes and this one is superb - great guys, great cocks, memorable cumshots... and what a hot idea with a bottle of champagne ! Really classy like Isaac Jones whose behaviour was that of a real g
great movie, good knoot and stage! If shirt and tie were dress up for more time..maybe till the would be better..but it is a great movie too!very cool!!
Justin Harris mouth action is so hot!
great movie, more with this scenario. I really would have liked to see Paddy getting fucked
I'll dink my Champlain that way any day! yum...
Just watched this again after a while as had hazy memory of it being especially "suitspunky" (which it is) - think it just goes to show what you can do when you abandon the suck rim fuck storyline - this is like one long delicious strung out orgasmic plat
bad aim, missing the neckties
bad aim, missing the neckties
very good piggy I love nice guys and very sexy
Very hot vid. So sexy and so dirty. Please issue more of this kind of scenery.
Great film, love the mixture of done up ties, loosened tie and partially unbuttoned shirt with the guys! really was an enjoyable suit session and they all remained clothed which was even hotter, especially when the spunk started flying around!!
Such lovely guys, such beautiful cocks ... even Paddy as a bit player! And the divine Kyle is a real loss to the porn industry
You guys don't know how to do this kinda scene watch Belamie and learn adjust to your more mature men!!!!!!!!
You guys don't know how to do this kinda scene watch Belamie and learn adjust to your more mature men!!!!!!!!
Love the dick sucking!
suitboy100 01/12/2021
This has got to be one of my favorite MAP movies. The combination of the guys in the bar and the scenario is smoking hot. I just wish that Paddy got his dick sucked in that suit very hot guy. Justin beyond words. How he pours the champagne on Kyle and Issac licked it up like the stud he is. All had great cum shots especially Justin and Isaac who kept his suit on the whole time. Five stars.
Movie Comments