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Men / Jay Roberts

Jay Roberts Vital Stats:

👍 186
Body Type:  Athletic
Eye Color:  gray eyed
Hair color:  dark
Nationality:  Slovak
Sexuality:  Gay
Age:  1978-07-16

In the time that Jay Roberts has been with Menatplay we have seen him develop from a young fresh eastern european boy into the handsome rugged, ripped man that he is today. From his dark hair with dashes of silver through his rough stubble, down his perfect 6 pack ripped abs Jay is one of those men who has sexed-up with age. Hi image has been captured by some of the most renowned photographers around the world and we are lucky enough to have had him stop off and visit us every now and again on his travels. His tall stature makes him an obvious top but he looks so great getting his hole pounded too, and seems to love it just as much,

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