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Men / Tyler Berg

Tyler Berg Vital Stats:

👍 39
Body Type:  Muscular
Eye Color:  Blue Eyed
Hair color:  Dark blond
Nationality:  Norwegian
Sexuality:  Gay
Sexual Role:  Versatile
Height:  5'9"

I'm a person of many habits, some that I'm not proud of and some things I take a lot of pride in. To sum it up......
I believe in Karma.
I believe in hard work.
I believe in love.
I believe that what you get in life is a result of what you give.
I try to learn from my mistakes.
I am loyal to my friends.
I am loyal to my lover.
I think it's important to not take yourself too seriously.
I am constantly trying to improve myself in all areas.
I love to laugh.
I love to be goofy.
I believe everyone is capable of great things, good or bad.
I love where my life has led me, and I can't wait for what lies ahead.

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